A better string formatting library for C++

When I started learning C++ I kind of liked the IOStreams library. It was safe, extensible and could work with user-defined types. This compared favorably with the printf family of functions. However, as I started using C++ more and more in my daily job I found out that IOStreams had serious flaws. This answer on Stack Overflow nicely summarizes several issues with IOStreams:

  • Poor error handling
  • Poor separation between formatting and I/O
  • Poor support for i18n

The popular Google C++ Style Guide even restricts the use of streams only to logging.

So I started looking for a better solution and discovered the following libraries: Boost Format, SafeFormat, FastFormat and tinyformat. Unfortunately neither of these entirely satisfied my needs so a few days ago when I was staying at home with cold I wrote a new formatting library which is small, type safe and close to printf in speed. In this and forthcoming posts I am going to describe its features and how this library compares to others.

APIs of formatting libraries can be divided into two groups. The first group uses functions with variable number of arguments. It includes printf and friends, Fast Format and tinyformat. Here is an example using printf:

printf("%s, %s %d\n", weekday, month, day);

One way to implement this kind of API is to use varargs. This method is inherently unsafe because the type information is not available to the callee and it has to use some other mechanism such as a type field in a format string like printf does. Another possibility is to use variadic templates which unfortunately only available in C++11. For C++98 compatibility some libraries like tinyformat provide multiple versions of the same function with different number of arguments. The problem with this method is that it is difficult to define your own function that wraps a formatting function. Tinyformat provides a macro TINYFORMAT_WRAP_FORMAT for this purpose which is used as follows:

  void,                                        /* return type */
  error,                                       /* function name */
  /*empty*/,                                   /* function declaration
                                                  suffix (eg, const) */
  std::cerr << "error (code " << code << ")";, /* stuff before
  std::cerr,                                   /* stream name */
  /*empty*/                                    /* stuff after
                                                  format() */

This is obviously far from ideal so I rejected variadic functions in the core API although I am considering adding them in the future on top of existing interface.

The second group of libraries uses overloaded operators such as operator<< for passing arguments. It includes IOStreams, Boost Format and SafeFormat. They all use different operators:

// IOStreams:
std::cout << weekday << ", " << month << " " << day << "\n";

// Boost Format:
std::string s = 
  str(boost::format("%1%, %2% %3%\n") % weekday % month % day);

// SafeFormat:
Loki::SPrintf(s, "%s, %d %d\n")(weekday)(month)(day);

Instead of yet another arbitrary operator choice, I decided to use the conventional insertion operator << since it is used by the standard streams:

std::string s =
  str(fmt::Format("{0}, {1} {2}\n") << weekday << month << day);

As you can see the API is quite similar to Boost Format. Format is a function that takes a format string as an argument and returns a temporary object that accepts additional arguments via the operator <<. The str function converts the result into an std::string. There is also a c_str function that converts the result into a C string which can be useful for working with C code:

rmdir(c_str(fmt::Format("{0}.lock") << pid));

So far this is similar to existing APIs. What is different is the ability to define your own functions that look exactly like Format but do additional things, for example:

ReportError("File not found: {0}") << path;

Let's say I want to define a function ReportError that formats and prints an error to std::cerr adding a newline. To this end I need to create a small class (struct will do since it has only one public member) that defines operator()(const fmt::Writer &) which does the output:

struct PrintError {
  void operator()(const fmt::Writer &w) const {
      std::cerr << "Error: " << w.str() << std::endl;

Writer is a class that does all the formatting and stores the output in a buffer. The str() method converts the output to std::string, there are other access methods as well. Now I can define the ReportError function:

fmt::Formatter ReportError(const char *format) {
  return fmt::Formatter(format);

Formatter is used only in wrapper functions like the one above. It is responsible for receiving arguments via operator<<, completing the format operation and calling a user supplied action like PrintError after that.

As you can see creating wrappers is relatively easy. It doesn't require any preprocessor tricks or defining functions for different number of arguments. And once a wrapper function is defined it is as easy to use as fmt::Format, in fact the latter is implemented in exactly the same way.

The Writer class can also be used on its own if you need to efficiently merge the output of multiple format operations, for example:

fmt::Writer out;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
  out.Format("{0}") << i;
std::string s = out.str(); // s == 0123456789

This concludes the first and the most important part about the API. In the next part I am going to write about performance and related design aspects.

The library is available in this repository on GitHub. Feel free to use it and post your comments below.

Last modified on 2012-12-12