Migrating from Blogger to GitHub Pages

I’ve just migrated from Blogger to GitHub Pages. This is the first post that I’m writing using the new platform.

The main reason for migration was that I wanted to write my posts in a lightweight markup language such as Markdown or reStructured Text. In Blogger I had to either use a WYSIWYG editor which is OK for simple posts but not for advanced stuff such as code snippets or formulas, or an HTML editor.

GitHub Pages have additional advantages:

  • All the posts and the change history are stored in a Git repository which usually exists in at least two places, on a GitHub server and locally. Each can act as a full backup.

  • There is a clear mapping between the content of the repository and the site. Even though I am using it for just over a day I can open any of my posts in a browser, click View Source (HTML) and say where every last piece of HTML has come from. This makes configuration simple, if I need to change anything I immediately know where to go.

  • Now I can use the same tools for writing my posts that I’ve been using for development.

There are some disadvantages as well:

  • You have to add yourself many of the things that are readily available on Blogger: comments, analytics, tags. Fortunately it is not that difficult.

  • Error messages could be more informative:

    The page build failed with the following error: page build failed

  • The documentation seems to be spread out between various places, namely GitHub Pages, Jekyll and Liquid.

I used this script by ngauthier to convert my posts. It mostly did the job although I had to do a little bit of manual cleanup.

Last modified on 2012-12-14